On St. George’s Day April 23rd 2019

Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm

The ‘Rolling Ring’

This year a new concept to the day’s events has been started with a ‘Rolling Ring’. The idea began in the early years when several towers in Bristol rang throughout the day and, more recently  Steve Clarke’s terrific efforts in Colchester where he, each year, got all the city’s towers and those nearby to ring on the day.  They had great fun and it was a tremendous achievement. Libby then thought that perhaps this could be widened to an entire area ie District or Guild.

An e mail went out to all the Secretaries and the first to come forward with a courageous plan were the North Bucks Branch of the ODG driven by Linda Maycroft and Gary Reading. We now have two more brave branches, Preston of the Lancashire Association, and Taunton of Bath & Wells Association.

This is very experimental. It has never been tried before.  There will be disparities and mistakes will be made but the intentions and achievement will be what is important.  Linda, Gary and Libby approached The Guinness World Records in the hope this would be a suitable event for them to recognise.  Sadly, though they much admired it, they could not as it was not truly an international event open to all.  But a record it will most certainly be in the eyes of all you amazing ringers.


To ring out from towers within a designated area ie Branch

To ring consecutively from 9 am to 9 pm

To ring all the bells within each church, using a method of your own choosing but ‘Change Ringing’ it must be

To ring until such time as the next band reaches the next tower and commences ringing

Adjudication to be organised by each contestant. Possible examples are RMs from other branches, the local vicars, local councillors or mayors, girl guides, interested members of the public, etc.

If you have any questions or comments please get in touch here.