It is important that the Campaign has the trust and support of bell ringers everywhere. Over the years the ringers have sent direct to Libby Alexander messages of endorsement which have been warmly received and enormously appreciated. Some of the many examples are:
“We were delighted to be part of the celebrations and assure you of our support for the future” – Dean Christopher, St. Nicholas’ Cathedral, Newcastle.
“Please continue, your are doing a great job and each year is building on the last” – LM
“On our noticeboard is ‘Last Year, This Year – Every Year’ – RB
“Most things that increase the profile of ringing are good and this Campaign certainly is. It would be great if you could keep it going. Well done and Thank you.” – JC
“Yes please proceed again. Yes you inspire us so please do continue.” – TE
“We most certainly wish the Campaign to proceed and if possible you should continue and to give further encouragement to District Secretaries to spread the word closer to the event next year.” – HW
“We received the request to ring on the 23rd and my members were happy , in fact keen to ring. As far as we are concerned – keep up the good work!” – LB
“I have already asked my ringers their thoughts on St. George’s Day and it was unanimous that all towers where possible should ring and highlight this special day. We are right behind you to get England ringing on this day. Keep up all the good work you do.” – DR
“Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of Bellringers up and down the land.” – MR and AR
“All too often we take things for granted and don’t always fully appreciate the behind the scenes work involved in organising even the smallest events, let alone a Campaign of this scale. A heartfelt thank you for everything you have done and I hope, continue to do, you are an inspiration to us all.” – MH
“We are amazed you have achieved so much without help and with no budget other than your own resources, congratulations……..but surely you deserve help and funding.” – PD