On St. George’s Day April 23rd 2019

Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm


There are said to be approximately 44,000 change ringers in the country who are all voluntary and undertake a most remarkable responsibility in keeping alive this very special skill. Most of the ringers are affiliated to various Guilds or Associations across the country who although autonomous join in nationwide competitions and share tower experiences all over the country.  The whole idea of the Campaign is, in part, to salute and acknowledge these volunteers and to encourage the next generation to come forward and try their hand.

It was started by Libby Alexander who unfortunately is unable to ring due to an affliction of psoriasis of the hands. Inspite of not being able to take part physically she has endeavoured to promote bell ringing in as many ways as possible which has won the support of organisations and a growing cross section of society. It has been important to portray the Campaign as open to all therefore not necessarily religiously centred, and most definitely not political.  The key aim of the Campaign is to make bell ringing THE EVENT on the day of April 23rd – so making bell ringing synonymous with celebrating St. George, England’s Patron Saint every year.