Anyone and Everyone can Ring. There have been bell ringers announcing news good and the not so good up and down lanes into cities for centuries. These ringers have come from all walks of life – originally it was holymen with hand bells then when towers were built it became local tradesmen, village schoolmistresses, landowners, lords of the manor ringing out from their parish churches throughout the country.
In recent years the mantel has been taken up by the younger generation that now include professionals, and students who have formed their own societies within their universities. Even the very young have been drawn to ‘the methods’ encouraged by the wonderful support from existing bands.
With concerns over the population’s life-style and level of fitness it has been suggested that more people should take up bell ringing. They would not only benefit from keeping fit, help co-ordination, balance, and general muscle tone, but help everyone keep active well into a more senior age. There is also the added bonus of being part of a rich network of communities who provide support, organize competitions across the country, and just generally have a great deal of fun.
Bell Ringers of St. Peter and Paul, Old Brampton, Derbyshire
WHO CAN RING? Anyone and Everyone
DO I HAVE TO BE ENGLISH? No. There are many who come to live in this country who feel an affiliation with the English and so take up ringing. There are others who are of a different nationality who just like the idea of ringing.
WHAT AGE CAN I RING? Almost any age. For the very young it is imperative there are adults in attendance. Otherwise you can ring for as long as you can ring.
DO I HAVE TO BE A CHRISTIAN? It is understandable why it appeals to Christians as it is part of their religious culture but no. So long as there is respect for where ringing takes place you do not have to be a Christian.
DO I HAVE TO WEAR SPECIAL CLOTHING? No, just so long as you are comfortably dressed.
DOES IT COST ANY MONEY? No. There will be times when there is a request for fund raising for example for repair of bells etc. And of course there are many social events that are organised that might require a donation.
DO I HAVE TO BE MUSICAL? The very act of ringing bells creates music so it follows that to have a musical ear would be most beneficial. However, it does not mean that you may not or are unable to ring if you are not particularly musical. Having a keen interest and being willing to learn is really all that is required.
So come and have a go and help keep this worthwhile and wonderful past-time for the next generation. If you are interested then just let us know where you live, or if you have a particular church you would like to be involved in, then please contact us and we will get you started.
Poster for the Campaign
Download our Ringing for England poster.
Ringing for England Poster 2016