On St. George’s Day April 23rd 2019

Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm

The ringers of GLOUCESTER Cathedral are joining in

This great cathedral of the west country has its foundations based on an Abbey dedicated to St. Peter built around 1072.  Its architectural superlatives are that it has the oldest surviving fan vaults, and the earliest depictions of the game of golf in its stained glass windows.  There are also those that say there is a carved image, the first ever, of the game of football.   That might be so but ‘change ringing’ is now the activity with the cathedrals 12 bells soon to ring out for St. George.