On St. George’s Day April 23rd 2019

Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm Ring for England - St. George's Day: April 23rd - 6pm


We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and hope the New Year will be good to everyone.  Next year St. George’s Day April 23rd falls on a Tuesday which will be the third year of an ever growing campaign to celebrate a fantastic event with the help of your hard work.  All texts, e-mails, recordings, photos of and about yourselves will be most welcome.  The more the merrier.  Have a great time and we look forward to being in touch in 2013.

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